This morning we pulled into the beautiful little harbor of Epidavros. This was the site of an ancient town, the port of call for visitors of the ancient sanctuary of Asclepius. After breakfast we disembarked by Zodiac, and left this lush green corner where the Panorama was anchored so we could visit this famous healing place. A short bus drive through orange groves and pine forests brought us to the site of the ancient temple situated in a green broad lonely valley. The place was a religious centre dedicated to Asclepius - god of healing. The priests of the temple were the physicians of the times, there were hospitals for the sick, sanatoria for the convalescent. We visited the site which is greatly destroyed and presently under reconstruction, and we learned step by step the ancient medical approach to treatment of diseases and ailments. As in every Greek sanctuary, here too, they had a great festival every four years with athletic and drama contests. The theater is the best preserved classical building dating to the 4th century B.C. with a capacity for 14,000 spectators. Its acoustics are perfect, the slightest whisper or rustle of paper from the orchestra is audible from any seat. Today it is the center of an annual summer festival of drama.
Returning to the Panorama we had time to jump off the ship and swim in the warm waters of Epidavros bay – our last swim in the Aegean – at least this time.
A farewell cocktail reminded us that this was our last day of the cruise. But not everything was over yet because as soon as we started our Captain’s Farewell Dinner the group of youngsters had a surprise for us – dinner theater. Their performance of Aristophane’s “The Birds” was great fun. Preparing their costumes, orchestrating themselves and learning about ancient drama was a great experience. Late in the evening we arrived in the port of Zea Pireas – the end of a wonderful cruise. Thank you. We promise to be back one day.